Reasons We Use Tung Oil Over Mineral Oils
Tung Oil Application
Tung oil is a popular oil finish for wood furniture. Being a 100% natural and eco-friendly wood finish produced from crushing Tung tree seeds, it has become one of the most preferred choices of furniture makers. It offers an excellent protective finish and prevents your woodworks from environmental elements.
What is Tung Oil?
It is a clear, pungent oil derived from the tung tree seeds to be used as a wood finish. It penetrates the grain and, therefore, dries out quickly. Due to its unique properties, the oil varnish enhances and protects wood from the environment. Being of the oldest wood finish, it has gained popularity by being non-toxic and food safe.
What are the Types of Tung Oil?
Following are the main types of Tung oil.
Pure Tung Oil: It is the purest form of Tung oil, free of additives such as minerals, petroleum distillates, or thinners.
Polymerized Tung Oil: It is a Tung oil that becomes more durable after heating.
Dark Tung Oil: A similar form of pure Tung oil with pigmented resin added for color.
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Where can you use Tung oil?
Tung oil is a popular wood finish used on any woodworking project. Here we have some objects that you can easily polish using Tung oil.
Kitchen utensils
Cutting boards
Butcher blocks
Children's toys
Interior furniture
What are the Advantages of Tung Oil?
Let us discuss some of the benefits of using Tung oil.
Waterproof - Furniture makers have been using Tung oil for hundreds of years because it is a waterproof wood polish, keeping the wood safe from absorbing water.
Elastic - Even though Tung oil hardens quickly, it remains elastic and does not allow contraction or expansion of wood to affect the coating. Moreover, it increases the lifespan of the wood and prevents cracking on the surface.
Food Safe - Being 100% food-safe, it has become a preferred choice for kitchen cabinets and kitchen utensils, including countertops, butcher blocks, cutting boards, baskets, bowls, etc.
Non-Toxic - Tung oil does not contain VOCs and is entirely non-toxic. Since it is natural, it is one of the best choices for wood polish, especially for children's toys and kitchen utensils.
No Discoloration - Another advantage of using Tung oil is that it does not lose its color with time. However, it may lose its luster, but you can retain its shine every six months if you reapply oil.
Resistant to Acids and Alcohols -Tung oil is resistant to various acids and alcohols. It is one of the primary reasons for using it for cutting boards and desk countertops. It is resistant to:
Acetone (nail remover)
Fruit acids
Vegetable acids
What are the Disadvantages of the Tung Oil?
Here we have some disadvantages of Tung oil.
Unpleasant Odor - It produces an unpleasant and distinct odor until it fully cures. You must wear a mask while applying Tung oil because the unpleasant smell may cause respiratory problems.
Expensive - Tung oil is expensive compared to other wood finishes. Tung oil is 25% more expensive than the following wood finishes.
Linseed oil
Some paints
Lengthy Process - Curing wood using Tung oil is a relatively lengthy process. You need to wait for a day until the wood completely cures before applying the next Tung oil coat.
Difficult to Store - It isn't easy to store because you need to keep it away from light and heat. Since it is 100% natural, storing it under strict conditions becomes challenging.
Doesn't Smoothen Wood Grain - Tung oil does not smoothen the wood grain. After each coating of Tung oil, woodworkers wet sand the surface to get smooth wood grain. The brush marks disappear after wet sanding the surface.
The Bottom Line
Tung oil is the best choice for wood polish, as it is non-toxic and food safe. It has multiple benefits, and being the oldest form of polish; it is a reliable wood polish. Even though it has a few disadvantages, one cannot ignore the numerous benefits.
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